Xiao Qiong's blog

I Love You
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
Going Viral
Hi, welcome back everyone. Today I am going to discuss about “Viral Content” with you all. Let me briefly explained what is the means of viral content. The word “viral” comes from virus. It means that some of the famous videos and articles are being virus, so it used to be shared around the world through media channel especially social media. It becomes the words of mouth that everyone is discussing about it. The speed of infection is very fast.
you all have watched about the Thailand life insurance commercial? This is one of the examples of viral content.
This video is talking about the love of the dumb father towards his daughter. The
daughter felt sad because all of the classmates were ridicule at her. She
started to become rebel but her father never understood why her daughter will
become like that. Finally, her father was died because he wanted to save his
daughter life. This commercial shows that we can express our love through life
This video is viral as it has almost 3,557,435 of the viewer on Youtube
and most of the people have gives a like to the video. Let us discuss what the
factors that make it become viral content. Firstly, this video had posted up on
social channel, Youtube. The Youtube’s layout gives chance to the public easy
to share it through other channel such as facebook, twitter, blogger and so on.
Sharing is vital to make the video becomes popular. Secondly, the length of the
video will not be longer as it only takes up 3 minutes for the commercial. Public
has no patient to watch the longer video even though the content is quiet
interesting. Thirdly, the title and thumbnail of the video is easy to let the
public to search it. You just need to type “Thailand insurance commercial” at
the searching column of the Youtube, the video will be showed out straightly.
forth reason that make the video becomes viral is because it has added in the
emotional element. When the public watch the video, they will touch by what the
dumb father do for his daughter. From this, they will also more appreciate what
their father do for them. The fifth reason is the background music is suitable
to put in this kind of the video. I feel like want to cry when heard the music.
The last reason is the story line of this video is not let us has a mindset
that this video is related to the important of the life insurance when we are
starting to watch it. So, in the end of the video, it shows out the brand of
the insurance. It makes us get shock and feel like “why will become like that?”
I am one of the people who have this kind of feeling.
conclusion, all the videos and articles are possible to become viral if all the
elements in the video can grab the attention of the public. Thanks you!
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
Mobiles application
everyone, welcome to my new post again. Today, I am going to share a topic
which is mobile application. I trust that, every of you have at least “one”
smart phone right? The most attractive point of the smart phone is it can
download many interesting and useful application to entertain, educate, and
bring convenience to our life. Today I am going to introduce one of the mobile
applications that belong to Air Asia Company.
This app provides a code to let QR Reader to read the code to get own Air Asia Mobile App. |
target audience of the mobiles app is general public especially young adults
because they are able to pay the air fly ticket. Their objective is to build up
the relationship with target audience and connecting with them. It also makes
the public’s life become convenience in order to save their times and energy.
The customers have the freedom to choose
any of our wonderful add-ons that make your journey with us all the cozier.
These include in-flight meals, picking your seat, increasing your baggage allowance,
in-flight entertainment and even travel insurance.
The application also can be the part of the digital revolution and
go paperless by taking a screen capture of your travel itinerary.
Your comprehensive travel guides can be viewed in-app for easy offline access.
The brand new of Air Asia Mobile App now comes in 8 different languages which are
English, Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Indonesia, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Thai.
This feature is currently available for Android, Blackberry and IOS mobile devices only.
if you are family traveler, our new and
improved Air Asia Mobile App will change your travelling experience altogether.
Your simplified globe-trotting adventure starts here!Comes!
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
Managing Online Presence in the Digital World
Annyonghasehyo, welcome
back to my blog! This week, my lecture had invited Mr. Azhan Rabi who has great
experience in social media society to come and give a talk named “Managing
Online Presence in the Digital World”. I
was very get shock when I saw his hairstyle. Haha!
Mr Azlan Rabi was giving a talk |
Mr.Azhan Rabi is a social
media recruiter formerly in the highly competitive aviation industry and he
identified and hired hundreds of Malaysia's best and brightest social media
workers by using the tools of the new age. He is having managed an online
corporate profile for one of the biggest names in Malaysia to attract talents. Mr.
Azhan Rabi has an intimate understanding of the importance of maintaining a
healthy online presence. Currently, the talented social media marketer uses his
skills as a consultant. So, he is combining his knowledge of communication and
his experience with Social Media. Mr Azhan Rabi also helps his clients to build
strong online communities by identifying key target audiences, sharing brand
relevant and enticing content to facilitating thought engaging conversations
Before the talk starts,
all of the students take out their note book to record what Mr Azlan Rabi had teached. During the talk, Mr Azlan Rabi had introduced what are the social media
and its current trend. For example, nowadays, people like to use “#” (hashtags)
when posted up their status through facebook. “Selfie” also is the popular
trend. Social media had brought a great effect to our daily routine gradually
such like whenever we are doing assignment, we will also on the facebook.
Besides that, Mr Azlan Rabi had explained the differences of physical identity
and digital identity. I just realized that actually I am using in digital
identity in a long period of time that physical identity. Haiz~ beside that, he
mentioned that we always set our profile as public. It make our privacy was
stolen. He also mentioned about cyber bullying. Before we post a status or
share a photo, we do not think is it suitable or not. It will easily to make
people to leave their bad comment toward your status as they are unsatisfied
about it. Mr Azlan Rabi had totally shows out what are the pros and cons of the
social media.
After the ended of the
talk, there was a “selfie” session to let the students take opportunity to “selfie”
with our handsome boy, Mr Azlan Rabi. I am the one of the students. All the students
were enjoying and crazy during the talk. I have gain many knowledge in this one hour talk.
It is useful for me when I am becoming the public relation practitioner in the
society in the future. Anyway, thanks again Mr Azlan Rabi spent one hour with
us. Great! Bye.
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Mr. Azlan Rabi with my lecture, Miss Sabina and Miss Lim Siz Siz |
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A thank you gift ftom Miss Sabina |
The last is: Me and Mr. Azlan Rabi!
Selfie again!haha
Selfie again!haha
Monday, 9 June 2014
Do we hire for "free" media?
Hi, buddies, I am back again! Haha. Do you all know that public relations must always keep in
touch with media. There are many types of the media in this advanced technology
society which can be distributed into two big categories which is traditional
media and new media. The example of the new media is newspaper, magazine,
television, radio and book. While the new media can be explain as online media
such as social media (facebook, instagram, wechat, blogger, youtube, twitter, whatsapp
and so on), online newspaper and magazine, satellite radio, email, and more.
The function of those media is wants to spread out the information and news to
the world and make their life become convenience and entertaining.
Traditional Media &New Media |
Is it all the media is
free of charge?
The answer is.........
Most of the traditional
media is need to pay. For example, when the company needs to publish their
product’s advertisement on the newspaper or magazine, they need to pay money
due to the size of the advertisement. This income is the main reasons why the newspaper
and magazine organization can be survived after the appearance of the new
media. Besides that, not online printed media need to pay. Why I say so? For
example, some of the online journal needs to subscribe and pay if you want to
read it. Journal is useful when public relations are doing their research
toward particular product. Those paying media calls “freemium”. I know you all will curious about which media
is “free”? Most of the social media is free. For example, some of the company
has its own blogger to publish their own detail information such as history,
objective, products and services. This type of publishing is free of charge
which allows them to publish anything in anytime. Other than blogger, Youtube
is one of the free social media. So, some of the company will make the
advertisement become video and posted up on it rather than to pay money to
publish on the newspaper or other media.
Examples of Social Media |
How to handle well for this
“free” media?
We need some expert of the social media to keep
updated latest trend of the information. These types of the experts call as New Media Executive or Social Media
Specialists. Most of the people will mess up that the responsibility of public relations for managing the “free” media. In fact, it
is only the small part of the job scope of public relations. How
public relations executive differ with new media executive? For public
relations executive, they just need to cover the information of their field
only while social media executive need to cover field of public relations,
advertising and marketing. For examples, public relations is responsible to
manage their client’s crisis but it not the professional of the social media
executive. Apart from this, new media is a field which functioned as spreading
the news while public relations are the one who create news. Throughout some
event, public relations need to write a news release toward that event and the
work of promoting is belongs to social media executive. From this, we can see
that the job scope two types of media professional are interred-connected. They
need to always keep in touch with each other to reach the objective and target
of that particular event.
Do we need to hire a new media executive?
YES because...
1. New media executive is the one who keep update the latest trend. If they
do not keep updated, public cannot get the timeliness information and it will
be fall into disuse by society.
2.After the public get the new information, they can give the feedback
or own opinion immediately. By all this feedback, the company can get to know
the consumer behaviour and adjust their company’s marketing strategy and
tactics. From this, new media
executive is responsible to connect with the audience.
3. A new media executive
needs to know and understand the company well. They should know what are the
shortcoming and strong point of that company.
4. New media executive is
monitoring that company’s social media analytic and making adjustments as your
audience's focus shifts from day to night and season to season.
What is the expectation
of the new media executive?
They expected that new media can help them reach
wide range of target audience in a short time. It saves time, money and energy.
New media also makes the news become interesting. By posting up the information
through online, it increases its visualization such as there has many colorful
images to improve the understanding of the public toward the information.
In conclusion, in my
opinion, we are not necessary to hire a social media executive. If the company
is a small structure company, it does not need to hire them as public relations
can handle the job scope of them. It can help the company to save the cost. But
social media executive is able to decrease the burden of the public relations.
In my view, they are a pair of “good friend” in media who helping each other
when doing something.
Thanks you!
Thursday, 5 June 2014
How the new media does affect the marketing, advertising, and public relations
Hello, my fellow buddies, do you know how new
media does affecting the marketing, advertising and public relations? Let me
explain to you one by one. You will be attracted by the information that I
supply to you all. Pay attention!!
First, I want to explain briefly about what
are public relations, marketing and advertising. Hmm, most of the people will
think that public relations is an easy occupation. Honestly, they also play a
bigger role in this society. They not only need to communicate well with other
people (their clients), they also involve in planning and programming, writing
new releases, manage company’s crisis, handle press conference, protect the image
of their company and so on. Mostly, they need to always improve their speaking
and writing skill to become a professional public relation.
This quotation is quoted by a talented people, BILL GATES
For the
advertising, their main function is to promote the company’s products and
services for increasing the sales of those particular products. In producing an
attractive advertisement, they need to be creativity, good in design and apply
marketing mix. The information of advertisement is uncontrolled by advertiser.
After that, advertiser will posted up the advertisement through various ways
such as billboard, banner, print media and so on. A good advertisement is able to grab the attention of the audience and create awareness of that products and services. For example, Digi advertisement is one of the successful advertisement because of its slogan"I will follow you". They also use that slogan to create out a jingle and broadcast out during TV commercial time. Until now, i still can sing out their jingle. Haha.
The last is the marketing
which is focusing upon the profit. They are based on the thinking about the
business in term of customers need and satisfaction and help in enhancing long
term relationship with customers and stakeholders. Marketing mix which is product, place, price, promotion and brand also need to be
applied in it. Marketing need to do research to find out what is consumer behaviour to let them can hit their objective and target. Marketing also need a lot of marketing creative strategies and tactics.
Do you know that traditional media had
already replaces by the new media gradually? It had brought a big effect and
advantages to the field of public relations, marketing and advertising. Public relations need to do a lot of survey
and research toward particular topic. So, because of the existence of new
media, it helps them save time and money. Why I say so? It is because traditional
media need print out many of the survey paper and distribute to the target
audience require longer time and a lot of energy. By the new media, we can
conduct survey through online. It not only saves time and money, it also can
reach more audience and get the result accurately within a short period. For
example, Goggle Company had provided online survey service.
Examples Goggle online survey |
Besides that, it is
also two way communication because new media had provided function of giving
feedback which can give chance to the audiences to express their opinion
immediately. For example, public relations need to publish some updated news
through social sites like facebook which audience can give their view after
reading the news. Before the generation of new media, audience gives their feedback
by letter that it takes longer time of working day. New media also can reach wide target audience.
For examples, when public relation needs to inform the information about
particular event, it will straightly post up through online to reach wide range
of audience. For instance, all the information that provided by public relation
through new media is timeliness because it updated immediately.
Furthermore, new media also contribute in field of advertising. In traditional media, most of the advertisement is printed advertisement such as newspaper advertisement, magazine advertisement, brochure and so on. The companies that want to publish their company’s product advertisement need to pay a lot of money to the newspaper and magazine organization. But now, they can take advantages in posting up the advertisement through new media which is free of charge. For example, before you watch the video through Youtube, it will show us the advertisement first. Nowadays, the number who watch the magazine and newspaper decreases because watch advertisement through on-line is free of charge. So, it can reach wide range of audience. On-line advertisement also can review or search back after we watch it. Besides that, new media advertisement also is narrow because audience can get specific advertisement based on what they search. They have authority to choose to watch what advertisement that they like. For instance, new media advertisement also is interactive which it can get feedback.
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Printed Advertisement |
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Online Advertisement |
For the last, let us see how new media affect
marketing. New media can help marketing analyse the data and information easily
and accurately. In traditional media, it needs a lot of people and time to complete
the analysing. It help marketing can improve the better understanding toward
the consumer needs and wants. It is because they can give feedback to the
marketing people through online. New media also is a tool of marketing strategy such
as promotion time. Consumer can get the promotion information through new media
and take opportunity to subscribe their wanted product. Apart from this, the
voucher that own by particular company has its own code which it can shows the
detail information by online scan. It makes the company can get to know which sales
of the branches is higher.
In conclusion, new media had already replaced
the traditional media followed by the changes of generation and the technology
becomes advanced day by day. It make the people works become easier. Despite it
brings a lot of benefits to us but it also makes people become lazy. They too
rely on new media and not willing to use their own ability to complete some mission.
New media also provides many entertainments especially game. It make the most people
neglected what is the important things they need to do or complete and just
focus on what they like to do. Their life becomes imbalances. So, I am here to
give you all advice, try to adjust your life to become balance and appreciate
what you own.^^
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