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Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Going Viral

Hi, welcome back everyone. Today I am going to discuss about “Viral Content” with you all. Let me briefly explained what is the means of viral content. The word “viral” comes from virus. It means that some of the famous videos and articles are being virus, so it used to be shared around the world through media channel especially social media. It becomes the words of mouth that everyone is discussing about it. The speed of infection is very fast.

Do you all have watched about the Thailand life insurance commercial?  This is one of the examples of viral content. This video is talking about the love of the dumb father towards his daughter. The daughter felt sad because all of the classmates were ridicule at her. She started to become rebel but her father never understood why her daughter will become like that. Finally, her father was died because he wanted to save his daughter life. This commercial shows that we can express our love through life insurance.

 This video is viral as it has almost 3,557,435 of the viewer on Youtube and most of the people have gives a like to the video. Let us discuss what the factors that make it become viral content. Firstly, this video had posted up on social channel, Youtube. The Youtube’s layout gives chance to the public easy to share it through other channel such as facebook, twitter, blogger and so on. Sharing is vital to make the video becomes popular. Secondly, the length of the video will not be longer as it only takes up 3 minutes for the commercial. Public has no patient to watch the longer video even though the content is quiet interesting. Thirdly, the title and thumbnail of the video is easy to let the public to search it. You just need to type “Thailand insurance commercial” at the searching column of the Youtube, the video will be showed out straightly.

The forth reason that make the video becomes viral is because it has added in the emotional element. When the public watch the video, they will touch by what the dumb father do for his daughter. From this, they will also more appreciate what their father do for them. The fifth reason is the background music is suitable to put in this kind of the video. I feel like want to cry when heard the music. The last reason is the story line of this video is not let us has a mindset that this video is related to the important of the life insurance when we are starting to watch it. So, in the end of the video, it shows out the brand of the insurance. It makes us get shock and feel like “why will become like that?” I am one of the people who have this kind of feeling.

In conclusion, all the videos and articles are possible to become viral if all the elements in the video can grab the attention of the public. Thanks you!